News & Event

Disclosure of Information on the Sale and Purchase of Shares in PT Samudra Harmoni Prakarsa

MV Harmoni 1

Signing of the Deed of Sale and Purchase of Shares of PT Samudra Harmoni Prakarsa ("PT SHP"), a limited liability company established and governed by the laws of the Republic of Indonesia, domiciled at Jalan Pluit Raya Number 67B, Penjaringan Village/Subdistrict, Kec. Penjaringan, North Jakarta City. A total of 56,000 (fifty-six thousand) shares, or 50% of the issued and paid-up capital of PT SHP, will be sold by PT Bahana Indonor, a subsidiary of the Company ("Share Sale and Purchase").

This sale and purchase of shares does not constitute a material transaction for the Company, as defined in Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 17/POJK.04/2020 concerning Material Transactions and Changes in Business Activities. It is also not an affiliate transaction and/or a conflict of interest transaction, as defined in Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 42/POJK.04/2020 concerning Affiliate Transactions and Conflict of Interest Transactions.

Disclosure Information can be downloaded here