News & Event

Indocement Receives BISRA Award in 2024

Program program Sawargi Swadaya 45 (SS 45), Mitra Indocement yang meraih penghargaan BISRA 2024

Indocement has once again been honored with the Bisnis Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility (BISRA) Award in 2024. The award was received by Indocement's Corporate Secretary, Dani Handajani, on June 27, 2024, in Jakarta.

The BISRA 2024 event focused on the theme "Paving The Way Sustainable Business: Innovation in CSR." A total of 46 companies participated in the award ceremony, showcasing their best corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs. The awards were divided into five categories: Special Mention, Silver Champion, Gold Champion, Platinum Champion, and Top 5 Platinum Champion.

Indocement received the prestigious Platinum Championship award for its Sawargi Swadaya 45 program

The judging panel for BISRA 2024 included Deputy for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources of Bappenas, Vivi Yulaswati; National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, Susanto Samsudin; and Editor-in-Chief of Bisnis Indonesia, Maria Y. Benyamin¹.