Indocement Consolidated Financial Statement 31 December 2023 and 2022

Overview financial result for 2022 of Indocement:
- From ASI data, domestic cement market grew +3.6% (64,016k ton) with bag market +0.1% (45,436k) and bulk market +13.3% (18,580k). Semen Grobogan volume was still excluded from ASI data in 2023.
- Bulk market portion continued to increase in 2023 to 29% vs. 2022 of 27% and 2021 of 22%. The construction of new capital city (IKN) pushed the bulk market to grow +91.9% in Kalimantan.
- PT Semen Grobogan was acquired fully by 1 December 2023.
- Indocement recorded domestic sales volume (cement and clinker) at 18,766k ton (Grobogan included) or +8.6% higher, mainly contributed from Maros operation. Overall export was 579k ton or +89.0% higher with top 3 clinker shipments to Bangladesh (173k), Australia (133k), and Brunei Darussalam (123k).
- Indocement domestic cement market share was at 27.3% with Java 33.9% and outside Java 20.5%.
- Net Revenues increased +9.9% to IDR 17,949.8bio from higher sales volume.
- Cost of Revenues increased +8.2% to IDR 12,103.0bio, lower than percentage increase in Net Revenues due to some savings in energy cost (DMO coal).
- Margin for EBITDA was at 20.4% or IDR 3,656.5 and Profit for the Year at 10.9% or IDR 1,950.3.
Press release regarding consolidated Financial Report as of 31 December 2023 and 2022 (Audited) of the Company can be donwload here!
Indocement Consolidated Financial Statement 31 December 2023 and 2022 can be downloaded here!
Others Indocement Consolidated Financial Reports for can be downloeded here!