Chronology of Share Issuance
- Initial public offering of 59,888,100 shares with nominal value of Rp1,000 per share. Offering price of Rp10,000 per share.
- Issuance of convertible bonds with a total nominal value of US$75 million with an interest rate of 6.75% per year on Luxembourg Stock Exchange at 100% issue price, with an original maturity in 2001. The Euro bonds were convertible into common shares starting August 1, 1991, up to May 20, 2001, at the initial conversion price of Rp14,450 per share with a fixed exchange rate of Rp1,946 for US$1.
- Issuance of 8,555,640 shares through partial conversion of Euro bonds with a principal value of USD$35,140,000. The remaining bonds of USD39,860,000 were fully paid in 1994.
- Split the par value of the Company’s shares from Rp1,000 per share to Rp500 per share. Accordingly, the number of issued shares increased from 1,207,226,660 shares to 2,414,453,320 shares.
- Increase in the Company’s authorized capital from Rp2 trillion, which is divided into 4 billion shares with par value of Rp500 per share, to Rp4 trillion, which is divided into 8 billion shares with the par value of Rp500 per share.
- Issuance of 69,863,127 common shares to Marubeni Corporation as a result of receivable conversion into Company’ equity (debt-to equity swap).
- Offer of Preemptive Rights (HMETD) to purchase 1,895,752,069 new shares at an execution price of Rp1,200 per share. Shareholders who did not exercise their preemptive rights were given an option to receive Warrants C under certain terms and conditions. The total number of shares issued as a result of exercising the preemptive rights were
- 1,196,874,999 shares to Kimmeridge Enterprise Pte. Ltd., a subsidiary of HeidelbergCement AG; and
- 32,073 shares to public Shareholders.
- The total number of shares issued for the exercise of C Warrants was 8,180 shares.