PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. (''the Company'') has been awarded as one of the companies with the Best Corporate Secretary by SWA Magazine and Swanetwork in the Corporate Secretary Champion 2021. This appreciation was given directly by Kemal E. Gani, Group Chief Editor of SWA and received by Antonius Marcos, Director and Corporate Secretary of Indocement via Zoom Meeting application on Thursday, October 28, 2021.
This achievement was attained due to an assessment of the programs that have been carried out by Indocement‘s Corporate Secretary as well as presentation and questions and answers made by the Corporate Secretary team session before the judges virtually on August 19, 2021.
In this event, Indocement's Corporate Secretary is considered capable of making various breakthroughs in compliance, media and public relations, investor relations, CSR programs, and government relations, as well as publishing them appropriately. Therefore, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Company is able to maintain the reputation and build stakeholder trust properly.
Hopefully, this appreciation can encourage the Company to continue improving the performance with the spirit of teamwork and strive for excellence to provide the best service for all stakeholders.
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