About Us

About Us


Roberto Callieri

President Commissioner
Italian citizen, age 60. He has served as a President Commissioner of the Company since 14 May 2024. He studied Electrical Engineering from the University of Cagliari, Italy; Financial Management, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy; and Advanced Management Program, Harvard Business School, Boston, United States. Previously he served as CEO and Director of HM Italia Cementi S.p.A., Director of Italcementi Group Zone for Asia and Director of Asia Cement Public Company Limited (ACC), and Jalaprathan Cement Public Company Limited (JCC). Currently, he also serves as Member of the Managing Board of Heidelberg Materials AG for Asia, CEO of HeidelbergMaterials Asia Pte. Ltd, and Director of HeidelbergCement Bangladesh Limited and Butra Heidelberg Materials Sdn Bhd. He has an affiliate relationship with members of the Board of Commissioners, Directors and Controlling Shareholders.

Roberto Callieri

President Commissioner

Tedy Djuhar

Vice President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner
Indonesian citizen, age 72. He has served as Vice President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner of the Company since 10 May 2011. He holds a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of New England, and an Executive Master of Business Administration degree from the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. Previously, he served as non-executive Director of First Pacific Company Ltd.,. Currently, he serves as Commissioner of PT Binara Guna Mediktama, President Director of PT Indoalumunium Intikarsa Industri and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Satya Harapan Foundation, Jakarta Nanyang School. He has no affiliation with members of the Board of Commissioners, Directors and Controlling Shareholders.

Tedy Djuhar

Vice President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner

Simon Subrata

Vice President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner
Indonesian citizen, age 59. He has served as a Vice President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner of the Company since 30 May 2017. He holds a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Indonesia and a bachelor's degree in information management systems from Gunadarma University. Previously, he served as Audit Public Accounting Firm Hans & Tuanakotta, Auditor Ernst & Young, Corporate Finance PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk., Finance Director PT Ariobimo Estate Perkasa and Auditor at the Archdiocese of Jakarta. Currently, he also serves as Director of PT Digital Integration Solusindo, Chairman of the Management St. Carolus and Senior Partner of Gan Kapital Group. He has no affiliation with members of the Board of Commissioners, Directors and Controlling Shareholders.

Simon Subrata

Vice President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner

Franciscus Welirang

Independent Commissioners
Indonesian citizen, 72 years old. He has been an Independent Commissioner of the Company since 8 July 2021. He obtained his Diploma in Chemical Engineering from South Bank Polytechnic. Previously, he served as a President Commissioner of the Surabaya Stock Exchange, Deputy Chair of the National Consumer Protection Agency, Chairman of the Food Security of the Indonesian Association of Employers and Chairman of the Indonesian Issuers Association. Presently, he is also a Director of PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk., Chairman of APTINDO, Commissioner of PT Unggul Indah Cahaya Tbk., Member of the Advisory Board of AEI. He has no affiliation with members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and Controlling Shareholders.

Franciscus Welirang

Independent Commissioners

Juan Francisco Defalque

Belgian citizen, age 60. He has served as a Commissioner of the Company since 4 August 2021. He obtained his master's in mining engineering from the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve. Previously, he served as Head of Heidelberg Technological Center Indonesia. Presently, he also serves as Director of HeidelbergCement Bangladesh Ltd., Director of Zuari Cement Ltd., Director of Asia Cement Public Company. He has affiliations with members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and Controlling Shareholders.

Juan Francisco Defalque


René Samir Aldach

German citizen, age 45. He has served as Commissioner of the Company since 25 May 2022. He holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from Westfälische-Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany. Previously he served as a Finance trainee and Head of Finance at the Australian joint venture Cement Australia. Currently, he also serves as Chief Financial Officer and Member of the Managing Board at Heidelberg Materials. He has affiliations with members of the Board of Commissioners, Directors, and Controlling Shareholders.

René Samir Aldach


Kevin Gerard Gluskie

Australian citizen, age 56. He has served as a Commissioner of the Company since 14 May 2024. He obtained his Bachelor of Engineering from University of Tasmania, and Master of Business Administration from University of Sydney. Previously, he had several operational positions at Pioneer International, He also a Regional General Manager and Chief Executive Officer at Southern Region Hanson Australia Pty. Ltd. Presently, he is also a member of the Managing Board - APAC at HeidelbergCement Group for the Asia Pacific region. He has affiliations with members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and Controlling Shareholders.

Kevin Gerard Gluskie
