

Environmental Performance of Citeureup Factory

Biodiversity is a term that encompasses all forms of life, including genes, plant species, animals, and microorganisms, as well as the ecosystems and ecological processes that occur within them (Sutoyo, 2010). Indonesia is one of the countries that is a center of world biodiversity and is known as a Megabiodiversity country. Based on the biogeographical region description, Indonesia has a very important and strategic position in terms of richness and diversity of plant species and their ecosystems. With its high biodiversity and level of endemism, Indonesia is a unique natural laboratory for tropical plants with various phenomena (Anggraini, 2018).

The biodiversity study activity in the industrial area and quarry mining of Indocement Citeureup Factory was carried out to determine the growth and development conditions of vegetation (flora) and inventory of wildlife (fauna). The specific objectives of this activity are as follows:

  • Measure the vegetation diversity index for each landscaping category and tree life stage in four revegetation areas;
  • Determine the vegetation community for each landscaping category and tree life stage in four revegetation areas;
  • Calculate the estimated biomass, carbon stock, and carbon sequestration in four revegetation areas;
  • Inventory wildlife including avifauna, arthropods (lepidoptera and odonatan), mammals, and herpetofauna.

The results of the study are contained in the Biodiversity Monitoring Report which can be accessed on this page.

A summary of the study results can be seen in the infographic below:


Anggraini, W. (2018). Keanekaragaman Hayati dalam Menunjang Perekonomian Masyarakat Kabupaten Oku Timur. Jurnal Aktual STIE Trisna Negara, 16(2) : 99-106
Sutoyo. (2010). Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia Suatu Tinjauan: Masalah dan Pemecahannya . Buana Sains Vol 10 N0 2: 101-106, 2010 , 10 (2) : 101-106

Books published by Indocement related to the Citeureup Factory:

Other reports on Biodiversity at Indocement Citeureup Factory: