News & Event

Waste Sorting Action with Waste4Change

Waste Sorting Action With Waste4change

Commemorating the National OHS Month 2024 and National Waste Awareness Day (HPSN), Indocement Citeureup Factory collaborated with Waste4Change, a waste management company in Indonesia that was founded in 2014 to hold a seminar on Implementing Waste Sorting as a Sustainable Lifestyle for the Earth and Our Generation at I- Shelter Citeureup on February 16 2024, not only attended the seminar, 100 participants were also invited to carry out waste sorting practices. This event was also attended by the General Manager and Deputy General Manager of Citeureup Factory.

Before attending the event, participants were asked to bring various types of waste from home, this waste was used to carry out waste sorting practices. It is hoped that this seminar and workshop can change the old paradigm regarding waste, namely collecting, transporting and throwing away, into sorting, reducing, reusing, recycling and only the residue is thrown away.