News & Event

Inauguration of Tiga Roda Edu Green Park

Peresmian Tiga Roda Edu Green Park yang terletak di Indocement Kompleks Pabrik Citeureup

Christian Kartawijaya, President Director of Indocement, inaugurated Tiga Roda Edu-Green Park, which located at P4M (Center for Research, Training and Community Empowerment) in Tajur Village, Citeureup Sub-district, to coincide with Indocement 45th Anniversary.

Tiga Roda Edu-Green Park is a place of educational tourism regarding agriculture, fisheries, livestock and limited land use in residential areas and other general knowledge such as alternative energy and the process of cement production. There several areas to visit in Tiga Roda Edu-Green Park, namely: farming villages, nursery houses, cattle and sheep farm showcases, alternative energy parks, and Teureup tree conservation areas. To maintain and manage P4M, Indocement involves members of the Pelita Mas Farmer Group from Tajur Village. They are responsible for maintaining the P4M and providing tour guides for several spots at Tiga Roda Edu-Green Park.

You can access 3Roda Edu-Green Park's social media here!