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About Us


Indocement received the following awards:


  • Best Practices and Lessons Learned (BALL) Awards - Heidelberg Materials AG Materials.
    • Ricki Harnist Silalahi-Alternative Fuel Heat Substitution Rate by Modifying the VECOBOX Filling Method for Handling Various -
  •  Asia Best Employer Brand Awards 2023 - CHRO Asia
  • International Convention on Quality Control Circles (ICQCC) 2023 - International Convention on Quality Control Circles
    • Gold Medal-QCC Team P7/8
    • Gold Medal-Non Stop Team Plant 14


  • Award for Contribution in Tax Payments in 2022 - Tax Service Office for Large Taxpayers Two
  • Indonesia Excellence GCG Award 2023 - Warta Ekonomi
    • Indonesia Excellence Good Corporate Governance Ethics in Strengthening Core Business for Sustainable Growth
  • CSR & GDP Awards 2023 - Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration
    • Gold Category: “Sigantang Spirit” Program 
    • Gold Category: Utilization of BUMDes RDF UPS as Energy Substitution and Reducing CO2 Emissions
    • Silver Category: Empowerment of LMDH Betta through Increasing Batulawang Ecotourism, Equal Village Economic Growth
  • Public Relations Indonesia Awards 2023 - PR Indonesia
    • Private Sector Gold Winner in Annual Report Category
    • Private Sector Gold Winner in Annual Report Category, Sustainability Report sub-category
    • Most Popular Category in Print and Online Media, sub-category of National and Multinational Tbk Private Companies.
  • Corporate Secretary Champion 2023 - SWA Media
  • TOP CSR 2023 #Stars 5 - Top Business Magazine
    • Top Leader on CSR Commitment 2023
  • Top Brand Awards - Marketing Frontier Magazine
    • Building Materials category, Cement sub-category
  • Corporate Emissions Transparency Award 2023 - B Universe, Investor Daily, and Bumi Global Karbon Foundation
    • Gold Category
  • Indonesia Popular Companies & Institutions Awards 2023 - The Iconomics
    • Category: Corporate
  • Indonesia Popular PR Person Awards 2023 - The Iconomics
    • Antonius Marcos, Director & Corporate Secretary of Indocement
  • Environmental and Social Innovation Awards 2023 - SUCOFINDO
    • Platinum Category: Reduction and Utilization of B3 Waste
    • Gold Category: Water Efficiency
  • Bisnis Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility Awards (BISRA) 2023 - Bisnis Indonesia Daily
    • Platinum Champion in Corporate Social Responsibility Program
  • Indonesia Social Innovation Award (ISIA) 2023 - ITB School of Business and Management and College of Social Welfare
    • Gold Award: Cirebon Factory Complex Science Studio Program
  • Eco-tech Pioneer and Sustainability Award (EPSA) 2023 - Department of Environmental Engineering, Diponegoro University
    • Silver Award in Ecosystem Protection Category
  • IICD Corporate Governance Award 2023 - Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship
    • TOP 50 Big Capitalization Public Listed Companies
  • Taxpayer Award for Non-Central Branch Bodies - KPP Pratama Batulicin
    • Categories of Compliant Taxpayers and Large Contributions in 2023
  • Bogor Regency 2023 Bogor Regency Local Tax Award 2023 - Revenue Management Agency
    Regional (Bappenda) Bogor
    • Best Non-Metal Mineral and Rock (MBLB) Taxpayer
  • Charter of Appreciation for Pro-Klim Supporters - Ministry of Environment and Forestry
    • Indocement Tarjun Factory 
  • 2023 Subroto Award - Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
    • 3rd Place, Title "Building a Greener Future" (Technical Office) Energy Transition Category
    • Winner of the Energy Management Category in Industry and Buildings-Special Innovation:
    Cirebon Unit: "Innovation to Increase the Working Pressure of Shredder Machines in Optimizing the Utilization of Shoe Waste as an Alternative Fuel in the RSP Burner Kiln P9-10 Cirebon Unit using the Design Thinking Method".
    Citeureup Unit: "Innovation to Optimize the Use of Nozzle Ring and Water Spray in the 6C Finish Mill to Support Environmentally Friendly Cement Production at the Citeureup Factory."
  • Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASRRAT) 2023 - Organizer National Center for Corporate Reporting
    • Silver Rank
  • TOP CEO Indonesia 2023 - Tempo.co and IDNFinancials
    • The Best CEO In Construction Materials and ESG
  • Indonesian CSR Awards 2023 - Corporate Forum for CSR Development
    • Citeureup Factory Platinum Category: Dust Emission Monitoring
  • Indonesia Sustainable Development Goals Awards 2023 - Corporate Forum for CSR Development
    • Citeureup Factory Platinum Category: Abundant Blessings from Waste (SDGs 7.3)
  • Indonesia Best 20 Corporate Secretary Awards 2023 - The Iconomics
    • Indonesia Best 20 Corporate Secretary Awards 2023 in Construction Materials
  • Company Performance Rating Assessment Program (PROPER) 2023 - Ministry of Environment and Forestry
    • Green PROPER Citeureup Factory 
    • Green PROPER Cirebon Factory 
    • Green PROPER Tarjun Factory