Pursuant to the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 33/POJK.04/2014 on the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of Issuers or Public Companies, the Board of Directors may establish organs that can assist in performing its duties of managing the Company. The Board of Directors may create ad hoc or structural organs.
Indocement’s Board of Directors has established four ad hoc organs, namely the Safety Committee, Ethics Committee, ESG Committee and Human Rights Committee. The Board of Directors views the fields of safety, ethics, and sustainability as crucial matters to ensure the Company’s sustainability. In addition, to ensure the application of GCG principles and its compliance with the applicable laws and regulations, the Board of Directors is assisted by Corporate Secretary and Internal Audit Division.
Indocement Safety Committee (I-SC) is established by the Board of Directors as a form of the Company’s commitment to managing occupational safety. The Safety Committee is under the supervision of the Board of Directors, with the main objective to determine strategies to prevent occupational accidents and diseases, to support and ensure that the strategy, initiation, and occupational health and safety programs in all activities of the Company are well implemented.
Safety Comittee's Structure and Composition
The Board of Directors establishes the Ethics Safety Committee to ensure that the Code of Conduct has been implemented properly at every level of the organization. The Ethics Committee is under the supervision of the Board of Directors, with the main objective to supervise and collect information on the implementation of Code of Conduct.
Structure and Composition of the Ethics Committee
The ESG Committee was established as a form of the Company’s commitments to sustainable development in social, economic, environmental, and governance aspects. The ESG Committee, which was established based on the Board of Directors’ Decision Letter No. 020/Kpts/DIR/ITP/ XI/2021, has a duty to ensure the alignment of Indocement’s business practices with the vision of environmental preservation, particularly in increasing long-term corporate values and promoting strategic ESG management.
Composition ESG Committee Structure
In 2023, Indocement formed a Human Rights (HAM) Committee to assist the Board of Directors in ensuring every activity carried out by the Company, both related to internal and external parties, is in accordance with the principles and rules related to Human Rights.
Composition Human Rights Committee Structure
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