News & Event

Indocement and its Union Hold Joint Homecoming Holiday

During Ramadan 2023, Indocement together with the Indocement Workers’ Union (SP ITP) Citeureup Factory organized a joint homecoming holiday event for Indocement employees, which was attended by 117 employees and their families. The group departed on Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 08.30 am from Harmony Corner, Bogor

Two buses had deploys for this event, the bus divided into two rute, namely the north and south routes. The bus heading to the north route departs via Tegal, Semarang, Salatiga, Boyolali, Solo, Sragen, Grobogan, Gemolong and Cepu. While the southern route departs via Bumi Ayu, Aji Barang, Gombong, Kutoarjo, Purwokerto, Sleman, Klaten, Sukoharjo, Wonogiri and Ponorogo.

This joint homecoming holiday is a regular activity that Indocement always organizes every Eid but was stopped during the pandemic.