News & Event

Indocement Spreads Joy with Eid al-Adha Celebration by Distributing Hundreds of Sacrificial Animals

Berbagi Kebahagiaan Perayaan Hari Raya Idul Adha 1445 H, Indocement Tebar Ratusan Hewan Kurban

In celebration of Eid al-Adha 1445 H, Indocement distributed hundreds of sacrificial animals to partner village communities around its three plants.

At the Citeureup Plant, Indocement distributed dozens of cows to communities in 12 partner villages of the Indocement Citeureup Plant, as well as to Gunung Putri Subdistrict, Klapanunggal Subdistrict, and Citeureup Subdistrict and As-Salam Mosque, Citeureup. Additionally, Indocement provided one cow to the community in Setiabudi Subdistrict, Jakarta and three goats to Al-Amal Mosque, Setiabudi, Jakarta.

At the Cirebon Plant Complex, Indocement provided goats to communities from eight partner villages, seven villages along the Indocement water pipeline route, as well as to Gempol Subdistrict and Dukupuntang Subdistrict. Furthermore, sacrificial animals were also given to fourteen partner Islamic boarding schools of Indocement and ITP Cirebon Mosque. Meanwhile, at the Tarjun Plant Complex, Indocement donated cows to communities in nine partner villages and two corporate partners.

The distribution of these donations is part of Indocement's efforts to maintain and nurture good relationships with stakeholders in the company's operational areas.